things you NEED to know BEFORE getting a turtle

Owning a pet turtle is a long-term commitment due to their long lifespan. Turtles require time, money, and specialized equipment for their care. They are mainly aquatic and not suitable for cuddling. Medical expenses can be costly, and it's important to know the laws regarding turtle ownership. Turtles can be destructive and limit the aesthetics of their tank.


  • ️ Turtles can live for 15-50+ years, making them a long-term commitment.
  •  Turtles require time, money, and specialized equipment for proper care.
  •  Turtles are mainly aquatic and not suitable for cuddling.
  •  Medical expenses for turtles can be costly.
  •  Knowing the laws regarding turtle ownership is important.
  •  Turtles can be destructive and limit the aesthetics of their tank.


Key Insights


-  Turtles have a long lifespan, so potential owners need to consider the long-term commitment and responsibility involved in caring for them. -  Owning a turtle requires financial investment for equipment, maintenance, and potential veterinary expenses. -  Turtles are primarily aquatic and do not provide the same level of hands-on interaction as other pets like dogs or cats. -  The cost of medical care for turtles can be significant, and owners should be prepared for potential health issues. -  It's crucial to research and understand the laws and regulations regarding turtle ownership in your area. -  Turtles can be destructive in their tank and may limit the ability to create elaborate and aesthetically pleasing setups. -  Although owning a turtle comes with challenges, it can also be a rewarding experience for those willing to provide proper care and attention.