How to take care of a Turtle? 🐢 RED EARED SLIDER

Learn how to take care of a red eared slider turtle by setting up the perfect habitat, providing clean water, a heating lamp, and a healthy diet of plants and protein. Take your turtle to the vet once a year and enjoy your pet for over 20 years with proper care.


  • Set up the perfect habitat with clean water, heating lamp, and space.
  •  Feed your turtle a healthy diet of plants and protein.
  •  Take your turtle to the vet once a year for proper care.
  •  Choose a tank that's at least five times the size of your turtle.
  • ️ Keep the water temperature between 77-80°F (25-27°C) and monitor with a thermometer.
  •  Use a mechanical and biological filter for the tank.
  •  Decorate the habitat with plants and rocks while avoiding small rocks or gravel.


Key Insights


-  Setting up the perfect habitat is crucial for the well-being of your red eared slider turtle. Providing clean water, a heating lamp, and enough space will ensure a comfortable environment for your pet.

- ️ Maintaining the proper water temperature is important for the health of your turtle. Keeping it between 77-80°F (25-27°C) and monitoring it with a thermometer will prevent the water from getting too cold or warm.

-  Using a mechanical and biological filter that is twice the size of your tank will keep the water clean and remove physical objects and dangerous chemicals, ensuring a healthy habitat for your turtle.

-  Adding decorations like plants and rocks to the tank can make it more aesthetically pleasing and provide entertainment for your turtle. However, it's important to avoid using small rocks or gravel that your turtle may try to eat and potentially choke on.

-  Red eared slider turtles require a specific diet of 25% pellets, 25% protein, and 50% plants. Feeding them the right amount and variety of food will ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for their growth and overall health.

-  Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for the well-being of your turtle. Taking your turtle to the vet once a year will help identify any potential health issues and ensure proper care and treatment.

-  Proper handling of your turtle is crucial to prevent any injuries. Always use two hands, avoid picking them up by the tail or shell, and be gentle when lifting and placing them back in the tank.