The Problem with Treating a Dog Like a Pet

Treating dogs as pets and not acknowledging their intelligence and feelings has led to a cycle of mistreatment and behavior problems. We need to redefine training, consider genetics and individuality, and raise the level of conversation about dogs.

  • [] The speaker shares her personal story of being mistreated and how her dog helped her feel safe.
  • [] The instructor at a doggy school mistreats the dogs, causing fear and trauma.
  • [] Treating dogs as pets and neglecting their feelings has led to a serious and mounting issue in society.
  • [] Dogs have intelligence and emotions, and we need to understand and respect them.
  • [] The pet industry promotes the myth of the perfect pet dog, leading to unrealistic expectations and behavior problems.
  • [] Understanding the whole dog, including genetics, environment, and individuality, is crucial for effective training.
  • [] By raising the level of conversation about dogs and holding the industry to a higher standard, we can improve their well-being.



Key Insights


- [] Treating dogs as pets and neglecting their feelings has led to a cycle of mistreatment and behavior problems. This highlights the importance of recognizing dogs as intelligent beings with emotions and understanding their needs.

- [] The pet industry plays a significant role in promoting the myth of the perfect pet dog, leading to unrealistic expectations and contributing to behavior problems. This insight emphasizes the need for more responsible marketing and education about dog behavior and care.

- [] Understanding the whole dog, including genetics, environment, and individuality, is crucial for effective training. This insight emphasizes the importance of considering these factors to tailor training approaches and set realistic expectations for behavior.

- [] Raising the level of conversation about dogs and holding the industry to a higher standard can lead to improved well-being for dogs. This insight highlights the need for increased awareness, education, and advocacy to create positive change in how we interact with and care for dogs.