20 Common Mistakes Cat Owners Make

Cat owners often make common mistakes such as using scented dishwashing liquids for their water bowls, sudden changes in diet, not providing enough litter boxes, having toxic houseplants, giving bones to cats, using essential oils, not training them, not cat-proofing the home, not respecting their nature, forcing interaction, not storing food properly, not providing enough exercise, feeding milk, neglecting dental hygiene, rarely visiting the vet, expecting cats not to harm smaller pets, bathing them too frequently, not avoiding hairballs, and declawing them.



  •  Cats hate scented dishwashing liquids for their water bowls.
  • ️ Sudden changes in diet can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and reduced appetite in cats.
  •  Improper feeding can cause obesity, malnutrition, and health issues in cats.
  •  Having multiple litter boxes ensures cleanliness and provides cats with their private space.
  •  Toxic houseplants can be harmful to cats, so it's important to remove or restrict their access to them.
  •  Giving bones to cats can be dangerous as they can splinter and cause harm.
  •  Essential oils are toxic to cats and should be avoided in their presence.



Key Insights


-  Cats are sensitive to strong odors and should not be exposed to scented dishwashing liquids for their water or food bowls. (0:20)

-  Sudden changes in a cat's diet can lead to digestive issues and should be avoided. Transitioning to a new food should be done gradually over at least a week.

-  Providing multiple litter boxes ensures cleanliness and gives cats their own private space for relieving themselves.

-  Cats can be exposed to toxic substances in certain houseplants, so it's important to remove or restrict their access to these plants.

-  Giving bones to cats can pose a serious danger as they can splinter and cause harm to the cat's throat or stomach.

-  Essential oils are toxic to cats and should be avoided as they can cause various health issues.

-  Cats are independent creatures and need personal space. Forcing too much interaction can lead to stress and discomfort for them.