12 Signs Your Cat Considers You Their Mother

12 Signs Your Cat Considers You Their Mother

any cat lovers believe that cats see them as mother figures. Research shows that cats often display behaviors similar to kittens with their mothers, such as sleeping with their owners, seeking them out when scared, and waiting for them. Other signs include slow blinking, rolling over to show their belly, soft bites, and responding to their owner's voice. Cats may also sit on their owner's belongings, raise their tail when around them, wait to eat until their owner is present, lick their hair or face, make biscuits on them, and show a level of attachment and dependence.


🐱 Sleeping with you: Cats view their owners as a source of comfort and safety, similar to how kittens feel about their mother.
🐱 Seeking you out when scared: Cats see their owners as a safety net, similar to how kittens seek out their mother for protection.
🐱 Waiting for you: Cats wait for their owners as they associate their presence with positive experiences, providing stability and consistency.
🐱 Slow blinking: When a cat closes its eyes in your presence, it signifies trust and relaxation, strengthening the bond between cat and owner.
🐱 Rolling over to show their belly: Cats showing their belly indicates trust, contentment, and relaxation in their owner's presence.
🐱 Soft bites: Gentle nibbles or soft bites are playful communication and a way for cats to bond with their owners.
🐱 Responding to your voice: Cats reacting to their owner's voice shows a special place in their auditory world, similar to how kittens respond to their mother's calls.
Key Insights
- 😺 Sleeping with you and seeking you out when scared shows that cats view their owners as a source of comfort and protection, just like kittens with their mother.
- 😺 Waiting for you and responding to your voice indicates that cats associate their owners with positive experiences, stability, and safety.
- 😺 Slow blinking and rolling over to show their belly signify trust, relaxation, and contentment in the presence of their owners.
- 😺 Soft bites and grooming behaviors are ways for cats to communicate affection, bond, and provide comfort, similar to how mother cats care for their kittens.
- 😺 Sitting on your belongings and making biscuits on you are ways for cats to strengthen their bond and create a shared sense of belonging with their owners.
- 😺 High tail and waiting to eat until you're present demonstrate a cat's confidence, happiness, trust, and dependence on their owner's presence.
- 😺 Cats display behaviors rooted in their kittenhood experiences with their mothers, forming a special bond with their owners, who they view as protectors, caregivers, and family.