12 Scientific Ways To Get Your Dog To Love You The Most

Scientists have found 12 simple ways to make your dog love you more, including kissing them, petting them, gazing into their eyes, and spending quality time with them. Avoid using aversive training methods and use rewards-based training instead. Talking to your dog in a high-pitched voice and using a ridiculous nickname can also help them love you more. Some dogs prefer food while others prefer human praise. Letting your dog sleep with you can strengthen your bond. Greeting and saying goodbye to your dog in a loving way can increase their oxytocin levels and reduce stress.



  •  Kissing your dog increases their oxytocin levels and helps them love you more.
  •  Petting your dog not only increases their oxytocin levels but also improves their overall health.
  •  Gazing into your dog's eyes increases oxytocin levels for both you and your dog, strengthening your bond.
  •  Dogs feel more comfortable and secure when their owners are present during challenging situations.
  •  Using aversive training methods can stress dogs out and lead to a negative outlook on life.
  • ️ Talking to your dog in a high-pitched voice increases their attention and physical closeness to you.
  •  Spending quality time with your dog reduces separation anxiety and behavior problems.
  •  Some dogs prefer food while others prefer human praise, and this preference remains consistent across different experiments.
  • ️ Letting your dog sleep with you strengthens the bond and provides additional health benefits.
  •  Greeting your dog with physical touch and talking to them increases their oxytocin levels and reduces stress.
  •  Saying goodbye to your dog with a petting session reduces their stress and calming behaviors while waiting for your return.


Key Insights


-  Physical touch, such as kissing and petting, increases oxytocin levels in dogs and strengthens the bond between dogs and their owners.

-  Gazing into your dog's eyes, similar to a mother gazing at her baby, increases oxytocin levels and deepens the bond between you and your dog.

-  Dogs feel more secure and comfortable when their owners are present during challenging situations, indicating the special bond between dogs and their owners.

-  Using aversive training methods not only stresses dogs out but also leads to a more negative outlook on life, highlighting the importance of rewards-based training.

- ️ Talking to your dog in a high-pitched voice, known as the dog voice, increases their attention and physical closeness to you, strengthening your bond.

- ️ Spending quality time with your dog reduces separation anxiety and behavior problems, emphasizing the significance of regular interaction and companionship.

-  Dogs have individual preferences for either food or human praise, and understanding their preference can help strengthen the bond with your dog.